On Starting a New Year

Next week will mark the beginning of the end of my career as an undergraduate college student. How exciting! I'm looking forward to what new memories and opportunities this new academic year will bring. In this upcoming new year, many changes will happen: graduation, jobs, graduate school, etc... aka the future is upon us!

The four years at university are meant be a stepping stone and foundation for what is yet to come. It is meant to be a leaping ground for us to secure a future in whatever endeavor we wish to pursue. At the same time, the thought has come across many a time about our fixation on the future - we are constantly in pursuit of  opportunity; we're constantly looking for activities to do that will boost our chances in achieving our dreams.

We are in constant competition with each other vying for that one spot where we can bask momentarily in the spotlight. Competition is not a bad thing - surely it is not. It makes us better and pushes us to strive for our best. The collegiate culture seems to be apply more, be involved more, do more. We do all this in the assumption that we will achieve more in life whether that be professionally, relationships, money, you name it. At the same time, there is an insatiable feeling that follows as a result. The nagging feeling that even though what you have accomplished your goal, there is always room for more and the always rising ceiling has not been reached.

We are not living in the present, we are living for the future.

I look back on my college years and regret not not being more "down". These 3 years have passed by so quickly and I regret not taking full advantage of it. So this year, I hope to be more involved in campus organizations, put myself more out there, and take and create as many opportunities that come my way. In addition, live life more in the present and cherish these memories.

Cheers to the new year! x


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