Oh Wonder at the Wiltern in Los Angeles LA 2016

September marks the beginning of fall an crisp cool weather. Finally at last! (Just kidding, in Southern California we're currently experiencing one heck of a heat wave and today is literally 100F). Nevertheless let's commence with the favorites; September has been a whirlwind for me and these things have kept me a bit more sane to say the least!

Fashion Favorites: 

Denim Pinafore Dress - This dress is so adorable! I was on the fence about this trend for a long time but I've taken the plunge with this 90s trend.
ASOS - ASOs denim black pinafore dress

Off the shoulder - this trend is still going strong going into autumn and winter. I love how it shows off a little skin while still being relatively covered up on the arms.  I love the drapey look of these tops and dresses and how effortless it looks.
ASOS - Glamorous dress

Music Favorites:

Oh Wonder at the Wiltern inside the venue

Oh Wonder performing in LA September 2016at the Wiltern

Oh Wonder - what a terrific duo they are! Their music just exudes calm and makes the commutes just a bit more bearable. I also attended one of their concerts in LA at The Wiltern. They were absolutely AMAZING live!

Us the Duo - another duo! I guess this was trend for me this month. Their songs leave a nice bubbly feeling in your soul. Think happy pop crossed with a dash of Jack Johnson (in my mind). Check out this cover of this other song that I'm also really loving this month here 

Seven Lions - let's sprinkle in some EDM into the mix

Kiiara - this girl is killing the music game right now! I can honestly say I love her entire album especially this remix of one her songs here 

And this song from Cherub has me just dancing all the time!

Recipe Favorites: 

Seared Scallops - I don't have a picture of it but I've been obsessed with cooking this. It's so simple it's ridiculous. Restaurants would charge an arm and a leg for a few scallops but it really is just so simple to recreate. All you do is heat up a skillet to med-high heat with butter and canola oil and then sear them scallops for 2-4 min on each side until golden brown. Voila! Dinner is served. You can get a little fancy and add some garlic butter sauce (divine) but it's just a bit healthier without it.

Baked Apples - A recipe that found in People magazine (go figure right?). It's a winner that combines all the flavors of fall into a simple (need to stop using that word) recipe. It's the apple pie without the pie part. Linked right here! Go try it out, I guarantee that you'll love it as much as I do.

Random Lifestyle Favorites: 

yellow mango hydroflask

Hydroflask - Where have you been all my life?! This is a bottle that keeps your beverages chilled or hot for -I kid you not- the whole day. It is a bit pricey but I think it is completely worth it if you are on campus for the whole day or if you are an avid hiker in need for a cold sip of water every once in a while. Super good for everyone from college student to a person with an active lifestyle. It also comes in a multitude of colors so you can pick color you could possibly want!

Nikon 35mm f1.8 lens - This lens is so perfect! It takes super good photos in low light and and is a perfect lens for taking portraits. I really like how I don't have to go too far back to get a well framed shot as opposed to the 50mm lens. I think this lens will be perfect for travel photography in the future! Super excited to play with this more.


  1. Thanks for this post.
    Good vibes, FOX
    check out my blog and my latest VLOG


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