Cheerio, Mate!

London London London. You can never be bored in London for the amount of touristy things available for you to see is so great. After the study abroad orientations at the university, I went off exploring London with some friends. It amazed me how everything is so close by. All the sites were literally a 15 minute walk from each other.

Westminister Abbey

Big Ben

 Big Ben and Houses of Parliament 
Buckingham Palace 

221B Baker Street

Regent's Park

London's parks are the best part of the city in my opinion. Adding a touch of nature to the hustle and bustle of the city allows one's mind to be cleared. You see schoolchildren running around after school with their uniforms still on, couples strolling down the long and twisted pathways, families having picnics, and people just taking it all in while sitting on one of the many park benches. While entering the park, it seemed like time froze and that the city was miles away. The quiet and calm of the park allowed an escape from the loud and hectic crowds of the city. We went through Green Park, Hyde Park, and Regent's Park by accident since they were all interconnected while traveling to different sites. Each park has green rolling hills and are lined with trees - a nice scenery change from gothic buildings of London. 

Each time I step out I am always in awe of how beautiful the city is. Every which way you look, it seems so unreal and picturesque. Every building looks important, even when it could just be a speedy grocery or an insurance company. It is such a change from the modern architecture of California but I welcome it everyday.


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